Shirt: River Island (via Ebay) | Skirt: Me Made | Shoes: Converse | Bag: Ashwood Leather |
I bought this fabric from Pound Fabrics without any idea what to do with it but when I saw this self-draft pattern in my Simply Sewing Magazine I knew it would be perfect. Plus I thought it would go nicely with this denim shirt I've had in my wardrobe but struggle to style. I am pretty happy with the end result but I learnt I am terrible at cutting straight lines!
This outfit is ideal for those cooler spring days and I wore this outfit for a walk in the park with our dog then some homeware shopping. This bag was a birthday gift from my aunty - we choose it together while watching QVC. I love the colour and the size is perfect for the few essentials I need to take out with me but don't have any pockets.
Top: Levis | Skirt: Me Made | Jacket: Fat Face | Shoes: Converse |
When I'm adding new items to my wardrobe I think about the rule that the new items should be able to be styled with at least three other existing items in your wardrobe. I think that is the case for 95% of my wardrobe and it's how I planned this blog post.
Here I've styled it for a casual but warmer summer day with one of my favourite white Levis t-shirts and my new converse. This is the type out outfit you'll find me in most weekends (with the added raincoat because of course the Scottish weather isn't predictable).
Top: New Look | Skirt: Me Made | Shoes: Clarks |
Finally, I wanted to see if I could style this paperbag style skirt for something *slightly* more formal. This white shirt has been a staple in my wardrobe for many years and it looks great with a skirt. These pale pink heels were a new (secondhand) addition to my wardrobe last summer and are my go to when I need to dress up.
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