5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #29

Friday, March 11

 It's been a good week - we took a long weekend for my cousins wedding so it's only been a 4 day week. Always a double bonus! I'm writing this on a Friday so the count down to a chilled weekend has started - hopefully it's a combination of lazy days, a win at the rugby and having the chance to get on top of some of the house work. 

1. Taking The Puppy to Watch the Rugby at the Pub

I enjoy going to watch the rugby at the pub so we took Brodie along for the Scotland vs France game a couple of weeks ago. We don't go as much as we used to but there is a better atmosphere than watching it at home. Brodie still doesn't get the hype though... 

2. Giving Second Hand Clothes a New Life

I knew I didn't want to buy a brand new dress for my cousins wedding so I was looking in charity shop and ebay for something perfect. The downside is it can be difficult to get a size that fits so I had to buy a couple of options. I'm really happy with the bargain monsoon dress I did buy on ebay and the other ones I resold and are on their way to new homes. 

3. The First Glimpses of Spring

Being a dog owner means the lighter nights are even more welcome - it started with being able to go for a walk in the daylight if I ran out the door at 5pm but now it's stretching even longer so I don't need to rush around. I'm looking forward to the warmth returning and my garden springing back into life.

4. Going to the Theatre... At Our Local Cinema

Before Christmas I saw that our new local cinema was showing The Nation Theatres production of The Book of Dust. It's a series my whole family loves and I was excited to be able to see something that would have meant a trip to London and hunders of pounds more expensive than walking to the cinema round the corner. It was amazing too - the actors, the puppets and the special effects all made it a night to remember.

5. A Weekend Away For A Family Wedding

It's been a long time coming (thanks covid) but my cousin finally got married at the weekend. Along with my parents and boyfriend we took a long weekend and found a small cottage on Air BnB near the venue. Not only was the day of the wedding lovely but the whole weekend was really nice. The Pentland Hills are a really beautiful area I've not experienced before. 

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