Another month has passed already in the garden and we are coming up for a whole year we've been living in this house. It's crazy how quickly time has passed and now much has changed! Autumn was a mixed bag weather wise and we enjoyed a week in Liverpool and Manchester so there wasn't much time spent in the garden.
Excitingly, at the very end of July my parents helped me collect a second hand greenhouse. I've been looking out for one all year and one popped up a little late for the growing season this year but I'm excited to get it all prepped for spring 2022.
In August these Crocosmia (on the left) flowered and gave an otherwise green area of the border a striking red colour. These are just the type of plants that I was thrilled to inherit from the previous owners of this house.Speaking of inheriting plants I also spotted this lily blooming at the back of one of the borders. It's choked up amongst so many other bushed that are a bit out of control but I'll remember where it is so I can clear some space for it to thrive next year.

I don't think my dahlia is going to flower this year - I didn't take very good care of the bulbs over winter with the chaos of moving. They are my favourite flowers so I can only hope it comes back stronger next year and I have the chance to add a few more to my collection.
At the start of August I cleared out this little space which was overgrown and planted some Zinnia and Snapdragons. It's maybe a little late in the season but I wanted to see if they would have enough time to flower. Fast forward to the end of the month and they've grown a lot... but so have the weeds!
This Aster (on the left) is one of my favourite flowers this year and this particular plant has lots of flowering heads. The Scabiosa (on the right) came from my mums garden and is also looking great with loads of flowers.
The Signet marigolds have really taken over this bed in front of the house and are still full of colour (unlike the ones in a pot) and you can just see the snapdragons poking out behind. While the roses weren't flowering when I took this picture I've been dead heading them so there are more buds growing.
Finally, we are starting to tackle the jungle area because this is where the greenhouse is going. We've set ourselves the deadline of the last weekend in September to get it up so this is very much a work in progress. I'm excited to see the end result!
Above are yellow Zinnias, Snapdragons and Sea Lavender that are all still flowering in the flower bed outside our bedroom window.
I am still planning to do one final garden update for September to round off the year. Things are still changing and I'm loving documenting it all here so stay tuned for that.
Last month - Garden Update | July 2021
Next month - Garden Update | September 2021
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