The most exciting thing to happen in July was picking up this temporary greenhouse in Home Bargain to give my tomatoes and chillis a home and a chance to grow. It was only £20 and if I'm honestly isn't the best quality but I hope if I take care of it it will be perfect for what I need just now.
The flowers are starting to drop off the Himalayan honeysuckle and I can see the berries I remember when we moved in last September which is cool. This plant will definitely be finding a new home for next year. Growing through it are the sweet peas I have in a planter so they look really cool too.
All the plants I have in pots on the patio are giving the area so much colour - even on days when I can only admire them from the window because it's too chilly to go outside. Some I grew myself from seed and some were picked up at various garden centre trips.
I've always loved leucanthemum and I'm delighted that I've got a couple of patches of them growing tall out of the jungle.
Some colour in the back garden at the moment - these cosmo flowers are rare at the moment because the rest of the plants have grown really bushy with no sign of flowers. I love the vintage pink colour of these roses - my boyfriend thinks they are old fashioned but I think that adds to their charm. Finally, I grew these Zinnas from seed so I feel quite proud of myself.
Next up is the front garden and at the start of July I finally got round to planting out these two roses. They were a late house warming gift from my aunty and uncle when they finally got to visit the house. I really wanted a house with a front garden and I love how colourful it is looking at the moment.
This planter has changed so much in just a month - can you see what I mean about the cosmo growing huge but I can't see if they are going to flower! They are kind of swamping the other things I've but in this barrel.
My Sidalcea prairie mallow 'Candy Girl' is flowering in the front garden too - it was one of my favourite flowers in my last garden so I was really happy when my Mum gave me another one this year. It was so small I thought it would never flower but it's growing quick.
Last but not least I wanted to round off this post with some more flowers I've grown from seed. The snapdragons I bought in Lidl were REALLY successful so they are everywhere in the garden in so many different colours. The Nigellas did really well too and I've got lots of flowering heads I can see from my bedroom window and finally the cornflowers which are so easy to grow but really deliver with pretty flowers.
If you want to see more photos of my garden why not give me a follow on Instagram?
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