5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #23

Sunday, May 23

Wow, blogging has been hard recently! I normally rely on being out and about to inspire new content but after a year in the house that spark to write is missing. Hopefully I can 'force' myself to write and then it will come more naturally again. 

Plus work has been super busy recently and if you read my last 5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week post then you'll know I got into Matched Betting (yay for extra money) and Animal Crossing (yay for cosy evenings).

1. A Trip To Ikea

One of the things we've been desperate for since we moved in September was a visit to Ikea. Hoping that the initial rush had died down we took a Friday off work and got there just as it opened. Despite there being a small queue once we were inside all the showroom had plenty of space so we could wander and have a look at everything before stocking up in the Marketplace. I only wish our car was bigger because I fell for this full length mirror which would be perfect in the bedroom.

2. A Night In Edinburgh

Linked to my last favourite, we took the opportunity of the hotels in Edinburgh being cheap before everything fully reopened to have a night in Edinburgh. We didn't do anything super exciting but it was so nice to get away from our local area and we went for two really nice meals at Miro's Mexican Cantina and Mother India Cafe.  

3. The Flight Attendant

I've been watching TV shows at a slower pace recently and enjoying one show at a time and most recently it was 'The Flight Attendant'. I was a big fan of Kaley Cuoco so when it appeared on my Sky homepage I downloaded it straight away. I loved that it was equal parts heartbreaking, funny and gripping. Thankfully, the ending didn't disappoint either. 

4. My Cactus Flowering

My little Ikea cacti haven't flowered since I was a uni student but a few weeks ago I noticed some little buds and they are almost in full flower. They seem to really like the sunny windowsill in our kitchen even though it's been freezing all winter. I'll definitely be keeping a spot for them when we redecorate the kitchen. 

5. Getting Back Into The Garden

It's not been a warm April/May by any stretch but it's nice to get back outside into my new garden. Once the garden centers reopened I visited with my Mum to pick up some new flowers and as a late birthday present my parents bought me a spade and a pair of securers. If your interested I plan on doing some garden updates starting in June (I did some a whole series in 2020).

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