5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #22

Monday, March 22

I've been quiet on this blog in March. My mental health took a bit of a nose dive thanks to some bad news at the start of the month and I've just not had the motivation. However, I've learnt it just takes time to recover - be kind to yourself and things will get better. It was a relief that last weekend I started to feel like my old self and get some motivation back. 

I had holidays I needed to use from work so I'm sitting here writing this post on a sunny Monday morning in the garden. Even though it was my second lockdown Birthday I had a lovely day yesterday and my boyfriend made sure I felt extra loved. 

1. Matched Betting

So Matched Betting seems like one of these things you see on twitter that seem to good to be true so I've always skimmed over it. However, with doing renovations on the house disposable income is rare at the moment so I thought I'd give it ago and see if I could earn enough to replace my out of date iPad. 

I won't go into more detail about it because Neesha has a really good blog post and Facebook group. It explains some of the questions I had and gave me the confidence to give it ago. I've been doing it for a whole month now and have made around £600! Hopefully I can improve my technique to keep up this return with less time investment. 

2. Getting Caught Up With A Good TV Show

Over the past few weeks we've been watching 'Gangs of London' - it's really tricky to get my boyfriend to commit to a whole series but we really enjoyed this one. I wasn't sure about the ending but I'm excited to see there will be a second season. I'm probably really late to the party here but if you haven't seen it then I'd recommend - just be prepared for the death and violence. 

The series I've been watching on my own is the second series of 'Manifest' - I really enjoyed the first one so the new episodes have been waiting on my planner. I've really been enjoying it and only have a couple of episodes left then I think I'll move onto 'The Flight Attendant'. 

3. Birthday Weekends and Time Off Work

A long weekend around my birthday is the perfect little treat ad excuse to take things slowly. I didn't do much on Thursday and Friday apart from walk to Home Bargains for a browse and spend some time Match Betting during Cheltenham. 

It's hard to believe I was facing another lockdown birthday (which I felt pretty bitter about if I'm honest) but restrictions allowed me to visit my Mum & Dad and take the dog for a walk. Thankfully it was a gloriously sunny weekend!

4. Getting Back Outside

Fools spring has come and gone but I feel like this is now the real spring weather. There are small pockets of time where we are able to sit outside and I've been able to start clearing space in the garage/work shop ahead of the gardening season. Especially when working from home getting into the gardening without freezing during the day is just the tonic I need. 

5. A Nintendo Switch

Thanks to the aforementioned 'bad news', matched betting and my Birthday I decided now would be the time to treat myself to a Nintendo Switch. I've wanted one since they were released years ago then even more with the Animal Crossing hype but couldn't quite justify the cost. 

It is with my local DPD driver so it should arrive today and I'm so excited to have some chilled gaming time when there is nothing else to do. Plus I'm hoping my boyfriend will play Mario Kart so it can be something we will do together. 

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