My week in pictures #241

Monday, October 23

(From top left) On Monday I went down to Union Square to check out their Style Seeker launch event. I finished The OA this week but I'm honestly not sure what I thought of the ending.  On Saturday I got my first eye test which was an interesting experience. A proper Sunday dinner with chicken stuffed with black pudding and wrapped in bacon.
Monday started with a trip to Union Square to check out their new Style Seeker app - I think it is such a cool idea and something I would use myself. Check out their website for more information. In the afternoon I had something to do at uni but when I was walking back at 2:30 it was like the apocalypse had started - the sky was red and it was already so dark. 

My week basically followed on from there with me trying to do as much work as possible so I could go to my boyfriends on Friday afternoon. Uni work progressed slowly (as it seems to be doing at the moment) and I managed a couple of trips to the gym too. 

After my lecture finished on Friday I had a couple of hours to have lunch, pack my bag then tidy up a little before Scott came to pick me up. We then had a chilled evening in, made salmon wellingtons and continued watching Hell's Kitchen.

Saturday was good because I finally got my eye tested and got any major problems ruled out for the migraines I've been getting (probably stress related). Meanwhile my boyfriend was giving the carpets in the house a clean so in the afternoon he fancied a trip to the pub. We met his parents there and it was nice to catch up.

I didn't feel 100% on Sunday - not all related to alcohol - so it was a slow start then my boyfriend suggested we go to the Designer Outlet at livingston which was fun. To be honest I always enjoy going out driving with him evening though we got back slightly later than planned. We made dinner then settled down to watch the final of Hell's Kitchen before getting an early night.

Nothing makes me happier than spending the whole weekend with Scott and I can't help but count down the days until I live there too.

This week on G is for Gingers: A Postcard from Caithness