I've spent more time in the library than anything else this week. I suddenly realised the deadline for my portfolio was getting closer and I would have to get a move on. At least it has been productive and I actually don't mind working in the morning.
I've also pushed myself to go to the gym a couple of times even though my asthma has been pretty bad this week. It is frustrating having to take it easy though when I want to push myself. As always Scott came round on Wednesday and after a trip to Asda we made salmon and chorizo for dinner from my new Jamie Oliver book. It was really tasty and I used the book again on Friday to make an equally tasty super green spaghetti.
I had been excited for Saturday for weeks because we were off to a birthday party. First though I went swimming and walked into town for a birthday present while my boyfriend was at the football. Then it was a quick turn around so we could make it to the beach ballroom. The party was partly a ceilidh which I love and the band (who my boyfriend works with) were really fab.
After the party ended we were ready to go home so we headed into town for more drinks (oops!) then found ourselves walking home after the club closed. Safe to say that Sunday was a very lazy day but it was raining so we didn't feel guilty. I think we were asleep by 9pm too!
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