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(From top left) A missed delivery card... the bain of a bloggers life! Mum bought me new gym leggings from George at Asda. I love all the things in the Country Rose range at the Edinburgh Woollen Mill. Scott's homemade curry for tea on Saturday night. |
Scott arrived just as I was at breaking point, I'd already made chilli so we went to the supermarket to get nachos. Really I just needed out of the flat... We then eat tea, watched Hells Kitchen USA then got an early night.
The mid-term test went pretty well on Thursday morning and I was happy with my mark. I ran back to the flat afterwards hoping to catch the postie but I missed my Apricot clothing parcel by a whole hour... I had to get everything ready to leave the flat for the weekend though. After class I headed straight into town to meet Scott. At home mum made pizza for dinner and we chilled in front of the fire.
Relatively free of uni work on Friday I was able to take some outfit posts for my blog and help mum with some cleaning (I swear everytime I come home for the weekend my mum treats me like I’ve not cleaned in weeks). In the afternoon I had my flu jag at the doctors which was sore but nothing too bad then mum and I practised driving for a few hours.
My first driving lesson in months was on Saturday morning. I was so so so pleased my instructor thought it went well. I was worrying I'd forgotten all the little things you need to do. In the afternoon I went to Scott's, mum and dad were off on holiday, so I planned to stay Saturday and Sunday night. The weather was awful on Saturday so we didn't leave the house really and I ended up in bed early again because I wasn't feeling great.
On Sunday the weather was a little better so we headed to Dundee for the day. Despite looking for somethings there was nothing I fancied but Scott did pick up some things for the kitchen. At home we made pizza for tea and started watching the apprentice. We went to bed before I was properly tired because we had to get up at 5am... it sucks when your boyfriend starts work early!
If you want to see more photos from my week why not give me a follow on Instagram? I try my best to update it everyday and follow back too.
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