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(From top left) Christmas bedding as a treat - it has polar bears on it to match my polar bear friend. A bobbin burger as a treat for finishing my exams on Thursday (and a cheeky cider). Post-exam night out selfie. Scott sent me this on Thursday lunch time and I was so sure I wanted to go I was awake at 8am waiting for the tickets to go on sale on Friday morning. Scott and I put the christmas tree up - you can see what it looks like on my Instagram but I feel so festive. Steak pie and chips was a dream for Sunday night tea (I can't even tell you how good it was). |
I knew this week would be stressful but actually as each exam passed I felt more calm. I can never tell how my exams have gone though because I focus on the questions I didn't really get.
Scott came round on Wednesday for some much needed R&R. Poor boy wasn't feeling well so I made tea and we were asleep pretty early. He is always so healthy it isn't nice to see him looking so poorly.
On Thursday at 11am my exams were finally over! We headed to the pub straight away and spent a couple of hours there chilling and having a few drinks. After that though we headed back to the flat and I watched two Christmas movies while lying on the sofa. It felt so good to be doing nothing guilt free. We then headed out in the evening - that was another adventure I'd rather not dwell on here. I didn't sleep that much because I was so determined not to miss the stereophonics tickets. Turns out they sold out in about 15 minutes so I was very lucky. I locked myself out of my banking to so it was so fortunate I had another card!
On Friday I pushed myself to go to a friends party - even though I didn't really know anyone there I still had a nice time. Meeting new people makes me so nervous though I only stayed a few hours. Saturday was the day I was really excited about though - I love spending the weekend at my boyfriend's flat. We went to the pub for a few hours in the afternoon with this folks then back to cook tea and watch TV. Waking up on Sunday morning not hungover was bliss so we got to spend the day together. We put up the Christmas tree, make steak pie and watched Toy Story. No wonder I woke up feeling so happy and well rested this morning.
There hasn't been any new posts on G is for Gingers this week because of my exams but you should check out my festive posts from a couple of years ago. How We Decorate Our Christmas Tree and Celebrating Christmas.
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