My week in pictures #133

Sunday, August 16

(From top left) On Thursday I passed the theory part of my driving test which was a good feeling. I treated myself to a bath with an Intergalactic bath bomb from Lush on Friday. A delicious jelly dessert with lemonade sorbet for our Sunday meal out. The pipe band at the Cortaky highland games today.
For the majority of this week I've had to battle with awful internet speeds. Not easy when you want to blog twice a week and keep your social media updated. Apart from that this week I've had two driving lessons - the first one didn't go so well but on Friday I did really good and feel like I've made progress. The rest of the time my nose was stuck into a book revising for my theory test which thankfully I passed with ease on Thursday. Obviously I had to treat myself to a couple of things so I bought a Harry Potter jammie top and a bath bomb from lush.

On Wednesday I spent the evening at Scott's - we made fajitas and watched hells kitchen. We are such sleepy, lazy people on weeknights and just drag the duvet onto the sofa.

This weekend my Grandma came to visit - we picked her up from the train station on Saturday morning and went home to make a nice lunch. After a catch up I got the bus into Montrose because Scott and I were going to a ceilidh and then out to the pubs. It was a great night that was planned very last minute. 

In the morning my parents came to pick me up on their way out to Lunch. We took my Grandma to a place called the Drovers Inn which was delicious (you can see my fish and chips on Instagram). We then went onto the Cortaky highland games where we saw all the classic games, highland dancers and a mini dog show. I think I've got enough pictures from today to do a separate blog post about it later in the week.

Hopefully I'll be able to get a good nights sleep because tomorrow I'm off to inverness to visit Eilidh and her family which I'm pretty excited about.