What a good weekend I’ve had! Actually had a pretty good week too although I’ve been busy. On Monday night my flatmate and I went to a local pub for tea and a catch up which was nice and even better not having the cook and do dishes. As usual Scott came round for tea on Wednesday - he is full of the cold at the moment so I made old el paso’s one pan rice meal for tea which was delicious. I was very excited because Hell’s Kitchen USA has started again! Scott and I watched all last season together so I’m looking forward to watching this one too (we love it).
It was good the rest of the week passed quickly because I was exited to get home for the weekend. It had been three weeks which felt like along time. My aunt and uncle came for tea on Friday and we had a Chinese takeaway which was great after a busy day running around. Thankfully on Saturday I was finally able to take some outfit pictures so expect some new ones on the blog this week. I’ve really missed sharing them on the blog so need to get my act together to take the photos in bulk.
During the week my parents had decided we would take a trip to the theatre on Sunday night. We saw Jerome K Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat at the Dundee rep. We used to be there all the time but I don’t think I’ve been since I was 16 when I saw Sweeney Todd. Basically the play was three english gents telling the story of a trip up the river themes they’ve been on. Acted out in the back room of a pub, with the help of the tables and chairs as props as well as a female pianist, they had us all laughing. The three actors sense of comic timing was fantastic as were their musical numbers. It is currently still touring so if you get the chance I’d urge you to go and see it. We had such a good night out and came home all happy.
At the moment I’m on the train back to Aberdeen and another hard week at uni. The weather today has been awful so I’ve not done much apart from pack and tidy my room. Next weekend my Grandma will be sleeping in my bed which is a little bit scary because my room is okay at the glance but when you look closer it really isn’t good. I also don’t like the thought of anyone else in my bed… is this just me!?
I hope everyone has had as good a week at me. Hopefully will be able to catch up on some of your blogs tonight.
Oh also I’d love to get too 350 BL followers by my birthday on the 21st of March so help me out my clicking here.
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