'The Life of Dee' is written by Denise from her home in North East Scotland. After first giving Denise's blog a follow in about October last year I've enjoyed reading all her charming lifestyle, DIY and recipe posts. She is one of these great bloggers who are always up for a chat on twitter- in fact that is how we first got in touch with each other. It has been great to see Dee's blog grow in the past few months. This month I've really enjoyed her post all about IVF and infertility which you can read here. She has also recently started a 'A-Z of Me' series which you can check out here- Her favourite season is autumn too.

The idea behind shuttersong is very simple: take a photo, add some sound then share the moment with your friends. Previously the app has only been available for iPhone but recently they have also announced the release of a beta version for windows phone 8.1 which will hopefully mean more of you lovely lot can get involved. One of my favourite things about the app is you can embed Shuttersongs into blog posts. If you still want to know more about the app then watch their youtube video here or just go ahead and download it from the link below.
Find Shuttersong on:
This month 'The Money Shed' has had a fresh new look and I'm loving it. TMS is an online forum for sharing ideas of how to make money at home, money saving tips and even making some money from blogging. This past month they have also set up a page for Online Services for Hire which is another great way of getting your start up business noticed online and have people talk about it. Their community of over 400 is very supportive and always there to help. While you are on their site don't forget to check out their pages dedicated to blogging advice here.
I still have a few ad spaces left for July/August so please get in touch- if you want more information have a look at the tab along the top or if you email me at gisforgingers@hotmail.com and I will send you my full information pack!
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