Shirt: River Island Skirt: Newlook Tights: Matalan Boots: River Island |
Sorry about the lack of outfit posts recently; starting revising early for my exams in may so I've been kicking around my house in leggings and a baggy top. However these pictures were taken a few weeks ago before a very rainy shopping trip to Perth shopping with my aunty. I absolutely adore this outfit and want to wear it every time I go out but I can't. Also feel like this shirt cannot be worn without a skirt because it is too baggy and it just makes me look frumpy. One of my biggest faux pas is wearing tights that are well past their best just because I can't be bothered spending money on new ones- I know I must fix this.
Spent a good few days off relaxing and revising. I have had my hair cut and managed to go on a photo shoot with my dogs (photos next week). I have also ordered a new phone with my birthday money so I will be entering the world of smart phones finally- not that I was too bothered before but I am so excited for it to arrive now. Next week I am off to Aviemore with my aunt, uncle and cousins. This will mean swimming every day, bike rides, and photo shoots in the beautiful highland woodlands but also early mornings with my little cousins.
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