Playsuit: River Island. Shirt: River Island Shoes: New Look |
It's the supposed to be summer right? I am a strong believer in making use of our summer wardrobes so on a not so warm tuesday last week I headed into school for the very last time for a little leavers BBQ. I don't know what it's like in your town but kids in montrose always favor the jeans and hoodie look (okay not all but the majority I would say) so I am more than used to being over dressed. I adore this playsuit and knew I had to have it when I first saw it but it has been in my wardrobe since last august. I think playsuits are a tricky thing to wear and the right occasion just hadn't come up yet. The problem with this one is the high neck and the way it can strangle you when you try to sit down so I couldn't wear it to a party where there was likely to be a lot of sitting so a BBQ was perfect.
I teamed it with my denim shirt- because I don't have a denim jacket this seemed like a good alternative and I think it worked well? Even though I generally like my clothing fitted to make me feel more girly. Putting on two pairs on skin coloured tights (I was still cold) I was ready to go. Currently the sun is out after all the rain we had this morning. Only two weeks until T in the park. Lets hope it stays dry!
P.S. Sorry for the fuzzy photos... Not sure what happened!
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