Shirt- Ali and Kris Leggings- New Look Boots- Kicker Lip Stick- Autograph raspberry |
As part of the warm weekend I was able to go
out without being totally wrapped up. Not sure if I like this shirt anymore but
my mum assured me that it still looks 'fine' the best I can ever get out of
her. Mum and I went to TK max but I didn't see anything I liked, again sadly. I
know the boots aren't the post 'fashionable' (whatever that means) but they are
so warm and my feet are always so cold.
Would like to know how to clean them up a bit though.
Another dilemma I am having at the moment is
about a new phone, I won't be able to upgrade on my contract for another year
(if mum renews it) and I've already broken it. People can no longer here me on
the phone. I am not the type of person to spend £100+ on a phone but I would
like a slightly better phone. It's a tricky decision.
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